The Little cunning vixen by Leos Janácek at the Paris Opera

opera 2008
Reżyseria:Don Kent

Oglądaj w telewizji

Data Godzina Stacja
środa, 29 stycznia
za 5 dni
20:30 Mezzo
czwartek, 6 lutego
za 13 dni
17:05 Mezzo


The Little Cunning Vixen, by Leos Janácek Libretto by the composer after Liska Bystrouska by Rudolf Tesnohlídek Orchestra, Chorus and Atelier Lyrique of Opéra National de Paris, Dennis Russell Davies (direction) André Engel (stage director) Elena Tsallagova (the vixen), Jukka Rasilainen (Gamekeeper), Michele Lagrange (Gamekeeper's wife / Owl), Hannah Esther Minutillo (the fox), David Kuebler (Schoolmaster), Roland Bracht (Priest), Paul Gay (Harasta) Recorded at the Opéra national de Paris in 2008 Directed by Don Kent

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