Rivalry in Music - Schönberg vs. Stravinsky
classical music documentary 2021
Reżyseria: | Sylvie Kürsten |
Oglądaj w telewizji
Data | Godzina | Stacja |
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Rivalry in Music - Schönberg vs. Stravinsky At the beginning of the 20th century, two famous composers were at the avant-garde while being at the antipodes: Igor Stravinsky, elegant and sophisticated, who revolutionized rhythm on the one hand - and on the other the intellectual and misanthropic Arnold Schoenberg with his visionary 12-tone technique. What began as a respectful meeting between these two composers soon turned into a bitter rivalry that led to a fundamental debate about progress and truth in music. Directed by Sylvie Kürsten 2021
Twórcy (pokaż wszystkich)
- Sylvie Kürsten reżyseria