Jazz legends - Lionel Hampton
jazz concert 1959
Reżyseria: | claude Misonne |
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Lionel Hampton at the Opera With Leon Zachery & Bobby Plater (Alto Sax) Andy McGhee (Tenor Sax) Lonnie Shaw (Baritone Sax) Bobby Plater (Clarinet) Louis Blackburn, Wade Marcus and Larry Wilson (Trombone) Eddie Williams, Art Hoyle, Eddie Mullens, Dave Gonzales (Trumpet) Oscar Denard (Piano) Billy Mackel (Guitar, Vocals) Julius Browne (Bass) Wilbert Hogan (Drums) Cornelius 'Pinocchio' James (Vocal) Playlist - The High & The Mighty - Hamp's Piano Blues - History Of Jazz - Hot Club Blues - I Found A New Baby - The Chase (Part I & II) - Brussels Sprouts - Sticks Ahoy Recorded on 1959 at the Opéra Royal de Wallonie TV Director, Claude Misonne
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